The two year itch...
Oh dear, the first signs happened quite a while back, familiar as they happen most places I go...the unconscious move from taking things seriously and professionally to having to try to take them so. Of course I participate, like my work and students and colleagues, an friendly, open and social but...but...but...
...but indeed...
... as we know, or indeed should, everything before but is foul and rancid bullshit so no point in good pal here called me a commitment phobe, which struck me initially as strange to use from someone past 35, it is a word laced with the benighted judgement of certain cheesy single wimmin's mags and accompanying crap films - to crap movies rather, there is a difference. However, there may be some truth there or simply the wish for some more refreshing excitement for this is a very sleepy conservative place. Natural beauty and friendly people can only go so far especially when you need a license to drink...
That creeping scratchy itch has been morphing slowly into some sort of psychological psoriasis turning my usual insouciant bonhomie, affability and geniality to mildly irascible, grouchy and worryingly, on occasion, broody and bad tempered as I ponder horribly that some feelings I get towards the nice but conservative and culturally constrained kids are similar to the ones that made me leave education in England although for far different reasons. Said itch has not started inflaming, suppurating or seeping yet but the signs are worryingly there and I am not too sure what I can do about it. Answers on a post-card or tweet please...
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